Thursday 22 February 2018

2 & 3 & 4 Dragonslayer series - Jasper Fforde

I did say that I don't read as much as I should. I actually start reading a large number of books but after a few chapters I lose interest or I slow down and the books join a pile my bed and it gradually becomes increasing obvious that I will never finish them.  Then occasionally a book will grab my attention, I will race through it then I will read other books by that author.  Well, I have done it again.

-The Last Dragonslayer
-The Song of the Quarkbeast
-The Eye of Zoltar

I romped through these three books, perhaps because they are aimed at 'young adults'.  I can well imagine that they would be ideal for teenagers who have read Harry Potter and have yet to go on to Terry Pratchett or Douglas Adams.  Like the previous Jasper Fforde book they are based in an alternative UK - the unUnited Kingdoms - and the characteristics of the British are again lampooned, perhaps less subtly than in Shades of Grey.

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