Monday 5 February 2018

1. Shades of Grey - Jasper Fforde

I am not a great reader and have always felt I should be reading more.  I thought that this new year's resolution should be to read a book a week, perhaps 100 books in 2 years.  My wife thought that this was far too ambitious for me and I should set a more realistic target of one a month.  I had thought I would re-read old favourites as well as catching up on classics I have managed to miss in my sixty-odd years.

As it happens, the first month has slipped past and I have just read one book.  I came across it in a Brexit thread on Twitter when some-one referred to 'the great leaps backwards' as technology was removed from society. I enjoyed the book - I love new worlds and this one describes a dystopian future where people are classified by their colour perception and where social rules are rigid.  I shall be seeking out more of Jasper's work.

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